
Part of my elemental series, the square, triangle, circle elements are basic building elements in, well, just about everything.

Elementals show up sometimes as just a part of a painting so calling them a series is not exactly a true statement.

'elemental' 9 x 12.5", acrylic, tape on clip board, 11.13.11

'elemental' 9 x 12.5", acrylic, tape on clip board, 11.13.11

Feature 1

Was just about to throw out this useless clipboard when a wait-a-minute-I-have-a-better-idea happened.

elemental detail 2.jpg

Feature 2

Though hard to see in these photos (actually if anyone knows how to photograph reflective tape give me a call) the square has square/rectangular cut tape pieces, the triangle has triangular cut tape pieces; and the circle has curved cut tape pieces.

elemental detail 1.jpg

Feature 3

The clip board is old and battered from much use, the tape brand new. The top metal clip part made a perfect hanging device.

the same.JPG

'the same' dipytch 

2x 8.875 x 11.875", acrylic on wood, 12.25.11

The 'elemental's are not identical, the punk and the doctor are certainly not the same, what makes us different?

the same-le punk.jpg

'the same-le punk'


tough french punk giving the finger.

the same-herr doktor.jpg

'the same-Herr Doktor'

german doctor gonna fix you.