'work related'


Another work related rant...

So many hypocrites, slackers, dumb-asses at so many jobs over so many years...

You may call them mother-fuckers but where would the human race be if we didn't fuck the mothers of our children?

M-F is a funny word at that.

'work related' 11.875 x 15.875", acrylic on wood, 09.18.14

'work related' 11.875 x 15.875", acrylic on wood, 09.18.14

hermetic scheme of a perfect deli sandwich.JPG

'hermetic scheme of a perfect deli sandwich'

15.875 x 19.875", acrylic on wood, 05.15.09

Kinda work related as well, I spent a good part of 20 years making sandwiches at Zenari's.

Adriano Zenari, a wonderful, kind, generous, party animal. A very nice guy. Great cook. Italiano.